"The whole idea of starting or finishing something is one of the scariest things in the world to me."
Außer Acht lassen, wo, aber nicht außer Acht lassen, was:
Q: Why did you choose to record a new version of "It's All Gonna Break"?
A: I've always felt that's such a fucking pop tune, but that's an example of where we couldn't go pop with this album, because that song has the word "fuck" in it about 10 times, it's 10 minutes long, and what would you take out? Daniel Cutler at the record company said, "If you can shave that down to four minutes, I'll fucking love you." I didn't even try. I was listening to the song saying, "What if we take this section out? But then we lose Feist, and I love her angelic shit there..." It's like a horse that goes from a walk to a trot to a cantor to a gallop-- you can't just jump from the walk to the gallop. So there's an example of a song I think could have been a radio hit, but because of what the band is, it doesn't allow that. But it's great that you can listen to it at home, or watch them live, and 10 minutes will feel like four. If I'm in the mood, I'll crank that thing up and do air guitar to it.
Viel zu spät ist nie zu spät. Bolero, Captain, Bolero!
edit: Weils grad dazupasst, ihre 5 Lieblingsplatten 05:
1. Smog: A River Ain't Too Much to Love
2. Kanye West: Late Registration
3. Dirty Three: Cinder
4. Animal Collective: Feels
5. American Analog Set: Set Free
Über die Vorzüge von Nr. 1, 2, 4 und 5 sind wir uns vermutlich alle im klaren, aber wer Nr. 3 ist, das wird wohl meine Rechercheaufgabe für die nächsten Stunden sein... Hilfe wird dankend angenommen!
in: txt.news | von: wiesengrund | 25. Dez, 17:30
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