Guess which side is winning.
Eine wirklich schöne, elaborierte Story über die MediaDefender-Geschichte (via netzpolitik):
"This is not Napster," says Harvey Weinstein, the movie mogul who heads the Weinstein Co., a MediaDefender client. "Online piracy has got to be stopped. The biggest spear in the neck of the pirates will be (a) being vigilant, (b) prosecuting, and (c) in a way, making fun of them, finding a way to say, 'That's not cool—that's anything but cool.' If you had people who the young people respect in this industry—Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Shia LaBeouf—if these guys did public service announcements that said, 'Don't steal, stealing's not cool,' I think you can go a long way toward stopping this." Weinstein says that if Democrats maintain control of Congress and gain the White House, he'll flex whatever political muscle he has acquired by being a major donor to achieve one thing: "Tougher, more stringent piracy laws." Does he see any use for P2P systems? "No."Verfilmung erwünscht. Und dann das Sequel: 09 F9. Irgendwann werden wir uns dieser Geschehnisse hier wirklich lachhaft zurückerinnern.
| von: wiesengrund | 16. Jan, 19:33
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